Thanksgiving 2012

Woo we ate like champs this weekend.  And gave thanks for it!  As per tradition, we went to visit Naynee in the country.  It was brisk and clear and Addy was able to run around as much as she wanted. Even if that consisted of me pushing her in a Power Wheels that was no longer operational.

I’m still very much into catching the sun in these pictures.  Hooray golden time of day (que Maze).  This was on my cell phone cause I didn’t bother to pack up the big camera.  Speaking of which, I just realized I’ve had this camera a year.  And I just crossed the 10,000 picture mark.  I have it set to keep sequential order of pics and got freaked out when a new folder appeared but I realized the counter turned over.  Like when Al Bundy’s car went back to all 0’s on the odometer!  Now I realize this might not be as awesome once I try to eOrganize pictures.  Might need to adjust the settings.

Anyway, when we got back this afternoon, I got to work doing a little furniture moving.  I have been saying for 100 years that I want a Christmas tree.  But Brownlee isn’t that into Christmas and last year Addy was crawling and eating everything on the floor (at least now she doesn’t crawl).  So this year I was determined to get a tree.   And we did! even if we had to cut our way out of the car because the kid didn’t know how to secure it to the top of Brownlee’s car.

There are bare bones trimmings on it right now.  I mean, we are starting from scratch, but Addy did get interested enough to try and hang some ornaments.  Well not exactly hang, she sort of treated them like Easter eggs and tried to stuff them into the tree.

I’m trying not to be anal about the ornaments but right now everything is gold with white lights.  I’m sure that will change as December rolls around, so I won’t post the tree until it’s “camera ready”.

I’ve already Pinterest planned some shots to do for Christmas cards.

How was your Thanksgiving weekend?  Are you totally messed up on the days like I am and need a vacation before you go back to work?


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