Words and Pictures Wednesday 02.17.16

I’ll give a legit Addy post before her birthday I swear.

But for now here’s what we’ve been up to in the past week.

Addy and I were in the car talking and I told her that when it’s Springtime we’ll plant some flowers in the yard, so I wanted to know what kind of flowers she liked.


So I bought a bouquet from Kroger and put them out and it just so happened on our next trip to Target they had the gardening stuff out because retail cares not about the actual weather.  We popped down the aisles, much to Brownlee’s chagrin, and I saw these Crayola all in one pots, sure enough with a pack of sunflower seeds.  I mean I suppose I could have BOUGHT a pack of salted sunflower seeds but how could I explain it when I snuck and started eating some?

We read the instructions, which was like a Chia Pet, I assume.  You have to soak the soil-like substance in water, THEN put it in the cup, THEN put the seeds, THEN mist and cover with water and place in the sun but not DIRECTLY in the sun because whatever about growing plants.  I need to revisit the whole “we will plant a garden in the spring” idea.  Then she asked about where the flowers are because she was thinking we were planting flowers not growing seeds.  Then she asked about how long it was going to take to make sunflowers and well, four year olds do not really understand weeks, or photosynthesis.







Anyway, it’s been a week.




But we didn’t kill the seedlings! And now we only have to wait infinity longer until there’s real sunflowers and then what the hell do you do with them?



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