Bullet Journal 201

I’ve been using the bullet journal (bujo) system for a year! I think it’s the first planner I’ve actually used in it’s entirety and I filled up the whole notebook. WHAT!

It’s all nice and bent and…used.

It’s gone from a let me see if I can plan out a week to my full on (just about) everything notebook.  My weekly spread usually looks something like this:

But I’ve also added two pages after the week for podcast and book notes, journaling, documenting life, making general notes, asking general questions.

I haven’t full archived my old journal yet because there are some collections (see: lists) of things I need to move to the new notebook. Also I just really really like flipping through it to recap the old notes, or my “currently I am listening to/reading/waiting on” things.

In the past year I’ve also bought a bajillion stickers, sticky notes, pens, fountain pens, markers, highlighters, and made two new Instagram accounts.  We have monthly meet ups where we plan the next week and swap pens and stickers and play with different items and sometimes it’s just good to be with people that speak the same language as you.

I taught a Basics of BuJo class and I signed up for the Black Women Who Plan and Create conference in October.  Exciting fun times.

I’m also considering making the Basics of BuJo handout a downloadable PDF so you can join me in this new obsession as well. HA! Do I do all the things that I marked To Do? Absolutely not, are you new here?  I am not some new goal setting and achieving person.  But I do like paper goods and it’s been a thing that’s worked for me.

You can follow me on brewritesetc or on paperfiles on IG.

What do you use to plan? A web based calendar? Digital planner (Google Keep is actually a fantastic digital note keeper)? A pile of sticky notes? You can go back to my Bujo 101 post here to see what made me do the switch.  And honestly, all you need is a notebook and pen.

3 thoughts on “Bullet Journal 201

  1. I didn’t even think about it until reading this post- but July will be a year of Bullet Journaling for me too! That meet up group looks AWESOME! Glad you found something you enjoy & that works so well for you 🙂

  2. I used to use the Get to Work Book planner, but I don’t use anything now. I generally just write in a padfolio style notebook provided by my job. When I finish with that notebook (it’s ruled — yuck!) I’m going to try bullet journaling.

    I didn’t see where you could sign up for the conference on the site. I must be overlooking it.

    1. I think it’s a “secret” link somewhere but they were looking for volunteers. I’m in the Facebook group. I wasn’t sure it if i could get with the dot grid but ooooh it’s so good.

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