I’m back in my local, apparently very popular Starbucks.  There’s a meeting of knitting grannies in here.  And a few business executives (and they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same), and some old guy with a walker and a Macbook.  This Starbucks is essentially awesome.  (Un)fortunately I’m not behind the counter serving coffee, I’m sitting here supposed to be writing.  I thought that with my new found forced free time I would be writing up a storm but I spend a lot of time in pj’s playing with Addy.  That’s fine by me.  But the plus is that even though last time I did ask if they were accepting applications (and I’m still considering putting one in anyway), I got an offer for a job I interviewed for last Tuesday, so this is my last week of “free time” anyway.  Apparently I need to be busy to keep up with writing and blog reading anyway because I am waaay behind on both.

Anywho.  Friday I finally went and got my Fight Club tattoo.  It’s actually the first actual word I’ve gotten.  Everything else is a doodle or squiggle or symbol or something.  No words.  Maybe I secretly wanted to make up a different meaning each time.  But this is what the new one looks like:

It says SLIDE.  In pink Fight Club font.  On the inside of my right ankle.  Apparently it’s hilarious how skinny my ankles are and some people thought that it was on my wrist, which I get from the picture but so what!  There’s a sock just slightly out of frame.  Whatevs.  With nice little soap suds on the sides.  Me and Vince (tattoo guy) decided that instead of getting into hours of discussion about the brilliance that is Fight Club that there is no real way to describe the meaning to people.  Not to be a snooty Fight Club snob like “uggghhh don’t you get it?!” I have decided to just tell people the quote from the movie is

…The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.

I think that’s good to live by.

What’s your power animal???

6 thoughts on “SLIDE

  1. I dont remember that quote…but, it's definitely a great one. and uh…even with you telling us it's on your ankle, it still looks like your wrist. lol. 😀

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