Alabama Shakes.

On my “adult alternative” radio station 103.7, they play stuff that is so good I want to Shazam it so I can have it in my life.  If you don’t know, Shazam is this crazy awesome app that listens to the music with you and let’s you know who’s singing.  If it’s a popular enough song, the words pop up and you can sing along.  I’m quite sure I’ve raved about Shazam before.

Anyway, I’ve Shazam’d two songs twice.  I figured I needed to buy the cd.  And last night in Target, in that one little Alternative/Indie shelf they have, I found Alabama Shakes.



3 thoughts on “Alabama Shakes.

  1. I downloaded their free song (Hold on) on itunes & fell in love with them, too! Good choice of music, Bre (as always) 🙂

    BTW, I MAY need to borrow the CD to copy their other songs 😉

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