1 year 3 months part 2

We had the check up with the doctor last week so I got some official stats blah blah.  And Addy got a shot, which she wasn’t too happy about.  I handled it well, since Brownlee was usually the one to take her for those appointments.  Anyway, as I figured, she’s towards the 80th percentile for height.  And I’m starting to accept the fact that I can’t buy any more 12 month old clothes.  18 months old seems too old!

yes, this pic was taken the same day as the last Wordless Wednesday when she only had one sock on.

bonus for this month,  a little video


2 thoughts on “1 year 3 months part 2

  1. OMG! I'm having Addy withdrawals. I dreamed about her last night and woke up thinking she was in her pack-n-play. What's wrong with YaYa! You would think because we missed one weekend with her that it wouldn't be so bad. The sad part is that your dad is worst than me. LOL! We're pitiful, but no one will deny that we love, love, love our granddaughter!

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