Dinner & a Movie Date Night

While Mommy is away, the Brownlee’s will Play!  That is the basic idea of what went down the past Friday.  So since Ms Bre decided that she wants to date other people, Addy made the decision to date her favorite Daddy. They say a girl learns what to expect from a man from her dad.  So with that said, this will be the first of many daddy/daughter date nights in an effort to keep her off the vertical poles (horizontal poles are fine).

Got home from work, we both changed and we hit the mean streets of Houston.  First stop of the evening was a fun-type place which would help us learn more about one another, also known as GameStop.  I got to see what type of games Addy would prefer to see on the PS3 and she got to see me pre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.  No big deal, I know, but she was very intent on making sure the people on the displays were not real people as she tapped them ever so “gently” to watch for their reactions.

Once she was bored with GameStop, we both decided we were hungry and should grab a bite to eat.  This was the toughest decision of the evening.  I mean at first we were thinking ChickFilA, then considered Chipotle, and finally after I threw Buffalo Wild Wings out there, we decided on FreeBirds.  I told her it was all on me and that she could get whatever she wanted, so she got a chicken quesadilla and I got a steak burrito.  She got the meal, with apple juice and chips, and luckily she brought her own cup to enjoy her drink.

Who brings their own cup to a restaurant?


So after some engaging conversation at FreeBirds, we decided to head back to my place and relax with a good movie.  We settled on Cars 2 which had just started on one of my infinite movie channels.  After some more good conversation, she figured it was time to take a bath and hit the sack.

This is where the night took a turn for the weird to say the least.  So you’ve probably read about Addy being able to close doors on her own and is adamant about closing them now…if not, believe me, it’s true.  So my typical bath time routine involves me running the water so that it will warm up a little bit.  In the meantime, I get her undressed and bath ready.  Well I started the water to running, walked out the bathroom as Addy brushed her teeth and then I hear the bathroom door close behind me.  I grab her a towel and head back into the bathroom….only one problem.  The baby has not only closed the door, she LOCKED it!  After a little begging for her to unlock the door and come out the bathroom, I think to myself, self your daughter is not a teenager yet and she’s already locking herself in the bathroom.  I also thought of the bathtub overflowing and her having a ball in there without any supervision.  Neither of those thoughts took longer than 30 seconds in actual time.  By then I had already ran across the house in search of a hanger and proceed to pick the lock.  After about what seemed to be 30 minutes, which was actually only about a minute and a half, the bathroom door was open.  Addy was all smiles looking at me like “what about MY privacy dad?!”.

From there, I stopped the water, took her to her room, undressed her, then she proceeded to climb off the bed, stand in the middle of her bedroom and pee.  I just shook my head because at that very moment I thought, I am NOT qualified to watch my kid without proper supervision.  I really felt off my game because I used to watch the kid all day every day and after about 90 days of working I’m a deer in headlights.  Crazy.

Oh and for those who thought the locking herself in the bathroom was a fluke, while playing with her brand spankin new potty, she did it again…this time Bre felt the need to take pictures to document the situation.

Dad gave up on pickin the lock
So Dad took the whole doorknob off

What a weekend!



Thanks for tuning in….



8 thoughts on “Dinner & a Movie Date Night

  1. This little girl never ceases to amaze me. Thankfully she can’t lock the bathroom doors over here yet, but she was definitely trying. I caught her a few times yesterday.

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