Theme Thursday – Equal

I’m joining Mrs. PTB on her Theme Thursday blog hop.  What what!


Does a new year EQUAL a new you?

Not in my case.  I would like to say it’s because I am so awesome there’s no way I’m going to change.  But I generally don’t wait for January 1 to dictate anything as far as lifestyle changes.  That’s what Sunday nights are for.   I decided that I was going to make better choices about spending money, so I signed up for when I got the idea for it.  It took a while cause the site was down, but me and Brownlee signed up and now I’m highly upset that it keeps tabs on my coffee budget.  Y’all.  It gave me $40/month.  And I’m sure you’re like “Bre, you have a Keurig and you don’t really go to Starbucks that much.”  And I would have agreed with you until I checked and saw that Einstein Bros Bagels is listed as coffee.  And it was Christmas time and I was off…and whew.  Let’s just say Mint thinks I really overspent.  Anyway, but we’re starting to get into the routine of things.  Or at least look at the pie chart (pie would also be coffee shop) to see where the money goes. 

We also did the typical purge, but that’s also nothing new.  We cleaned our closets of clutter.  Donated a ton of Addy’s old blankets.  You know how sometimes you keep clothes because they still fit?  Not this year.  We got stuff that we just don’t wear period.  Like yes my leather coat was nice in 1998 but when was the last time I wore it?  2001?  Before global warming for real kicked in?  It wouldn’t do anything for this week’s polar vortex.  It doesn’t even cover my wrist.  Donated.  That knockoff Coach I bought in NYC?  It’s pefectly fine, just counterfiet.  Donated!  When Brownlee was reeeeeeally into brown clothes?  Donated.  I also got rid of like 1000 emails.  And at least 7 bottles of baby lotion and shampoo from Addy’s baby shower.

But that doesn’t mean that I can’t take on new challenges.  I wrote on Houston Mom’s Blog about my Goodreads challenge.  I failed miserably for 2013 with only 19/30 books.  But I haven’t changed the number.  Still shooting for 30.  I just need to read more books.  (Updated widget in the sidebar!).

I also decided to do a photo a day.  No theme.  No certain format.  Just 365 pictures.  I’m keeping track of them on Flickr.  (I also updated the Gallery page here.)

And finally I decided that we are going to recycle.  I’m stepping my green up a notch.  See: aforementioned global warming. We’ve done great with our reusable bags.  We’ve never really bought bottled water, but we do go though some liquor/wine bottles, Powerade and Bolthouse Farms bottles, and Amazon packing bags.  PLUS I drive a car with a trunk so I can load them up and take them to a recycling plant.  Or just stop by when me and Gabby are in the Village since she is recycling queen.

So no, nothing drastic enough to EQUAL a new me, but I mean I have 52 Sundays to up and decide to make a change.  Wait…51? You get the point.

Any new yous out there? It’s been over a week already.


9 thoughts on “Theme Thursday – Equal

  1. Love it! I totally struggled with this theme and now that I read your post, I remembered that I had a similar post half done in my drafts just for this week. Blah. I guess it got lost in all the posts because I've been updating! 🙂

  2. FIRST my dopey self is in your sidebar and I am flattered! Thanks, friend!

    I like your approach. I didn't make a new year's resolution this year because I never keep them. My last work day before Christmas, Andrew cleaned the whole house, top to bottom. It was lovely to come home to and I am a slob and knew I would wreck it immediately. Since then, we have both made a conscious effort to pick up after ourselves more. It is something so small but it's a nice change to not be a mess. I'm also trying to be more conscious of how I spend my time. I am struggling here. Too much time on blog stuff, zero time at gym. Fail. I need a new me who doesn't require sleep!

    1. i figured if i just type in your url, not go through bloglovin or something, you should be on the sidebar 🙂
      good luck with the gym.

  3. Yea, the recycling part really only makes you even more of a Buppie…I'm eager to see how it's gonna go considering you wont even take out the trash #GoodLuckWithThat

    Yea, the Mint thing is awesome so far…it really reminds me that "hey guy, you're actually not taller nor are you a baller"

  4. Let's see. Now that I have a new computer, I plan to blog more…and I'm trying to get my life together financially. I have some fitness goals since y'all got a wedding coming up and a few tests to take & pass for work. That's about it. Oh. and the patience thing. ha.

    BTW…LOVE LOVE LOVE the recycling attempt!!! 😀

  5. I'm also not a resolution maker, but I am going to make better attempts on going green. In fact, I found out that I can pick up a recycle bin from our local Pearland City Hall, and pick ups are on Wednesdays. I also need to make some better meal choices so that I can look like a fabulous Mother-of-the-Bride in September, so I'm feeling you on that one, Gabby. And I'm going to do better with and my to-do lists, so I can appreciate my daily, weekly, and monthly accomplishments. Thanks for the blog, Bre. Much needed for my 2014 focus!

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