Words and Pictures on Wednesday 07.22.15

I would say that being a parent makes you hypocritical but it’s probably actually just growing older and living life and meeting more people and getting influenced in different ways.  And Tumblr.

I got glasses when I turned 11.  Not like for my birthday, but I remember getting glasses in 6th grade and having these very very nerdy circle lenses that were just…let’s check the archives for a picture. scan0086

Fantastic.  Anyway I was not fond of them and got contacts as quickly as possible.

Addy is a bit different.  Mostly, glasses are cool and fashionable now.  I should know.


And it pisses me off that all these people are into glasses now.  Like they weren’t the ones who made fun of me in ’93.  People like Brownlee.  Or those hipsters that wear them WITHOUT the lenses.  Mostly just to piss me off.  I hate it!

Plus like everyone we know wears glasses.  Everyone.  So Addy has been hinting that she wanted some.  And not sunnies.  Actual glasses.  And she kept telling Gabby and Gabby was like “Well I don’t have no kids so…”

And got Addy some glasses.  Addy gets them all “ooh I see much better now” and then I asked her if I could take her pics and this is what we got. Because #hypocrite.

wordless wednesday addy glasses 2

wordless wednesday addy glasses 1

wordless wednesday addy glasses 8

wordless wednesday addy glasses 4

wordless wednesday addy glasses 5

wordless wednesday addy glasses 3

wordless wednesday addy glasses 6

wordless wednesday addy glasses 7

wordless wednesday addy glasses 9

3 thoughts on “Words and Pictures on Wednesday 07.22.15

  1. I had those same glasses. I think they were the only ones available in the kids' section in the early-mid 90s until I blissfully got contacts. They were one size fits all and I looked like a bug. Addy looks adorable and even more like you with the addition of the glasses and coffee mug.

  2. OMG!!!! I know that I say this all the time, but Addy is a mini-Bre with more attitude. Hilarious! And she didn't even have Mam-Maw to influence her. Guess it's in the genes. LOL!

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