Me, Just Wanting To Write Somethings Sometimes

The other week Brownlee sends me a text like “um your blog is down” but not in a WordPress is giving me grief way, in a “hey dummy you forgot to renew your domain” and I stopped everything I was doing and got online to get the blog back up and running.

“But Bre, you haven’t blogged in months,” you might be saying. And that’s true but I need the blog. I need it. I’ve settled into the identity of being a writer. And not in the like if you get paid to do a job that’s your identity, because writing costs. These beautiful, empty notebooks are not cheap. And not in a side hustle way because monetizing your hobbies is a slippery slope. But even if I’m not writing I’m thinking about it or at least thinking that I should be thinking about it. And I’ve seen enough tweets that tell me that’s all I need to do to call myself a writer. I’m okay with that.

So I need the blog on the off chance that one night I want to write about writing. Or I want to share a thing that I’ve written. Or I want to read a thing that I’ve written forever ago.

(That said, backup all your things cause Retrograde)

Anyway, I finished a book. A manuscript if you want to be technical. I’ve edited and rewritten and started a short story to distract myself from finishing the book but still finished it anyway. But then my dumb ass told people about it and now I need to work on publishing it (which is “very simple” because of Amazon – they run the world because they make it easy). So the details on that will come later. I will not be a person that puts pop ups on things about buying the book, I just can not be responsible for manually distributing it to your email. Bezos can do that.

But for now, some other writer made this meme that perfectly sums up what it is to be someone who likes to write things sometimes.

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